That being said, I see a little room for improvement. First, although Scripture proofs are included for the Westminster Larger and Shorter Catechisms, as well as the Heidelberg Catechism, there are no Scripture proofs for the Westminster Confession or Belgic Confession. References are included in the Canons of Dordt, but not the full text, like the catechisms. Second, the text of the Westminster Confession is not the original text, but reflects the American revisions (the language of the Pope being the antichrist in WCF 25.6 is not included). A disclaimer to this effect should be included or perhaps a footnote giving the original reading. Third, and last, the navigation in the Catechisms, especially the WLC, is hindered by not having a table of

All that being said, the app does have plenty of benefits. I especially like the "Hide the Answer" option for the catechisms which allows you to quiz yourself on catechism memorization. The ability to adjust the size of the font is also convenient if you get tired of reading small type, or if you want to show someone else something from a Confession.
Further, if you read the history of updates to the app, you can see that the developer has been very responsive to suggestions, which means you can expect the app to get better with time.
While there is room for improvement, I still highly recommend this app. I can't think of very many ways to better spend 99 cents!
Thanks for the heads-up, Seth. Really handy, despite its looks. ;-)