Tuesday, August 24, 2010

ARPTalk Update

There are two new pieces posted over at ARPTalk. In the first, Rev. Chuck Wilson asks if Erskine Seminary has adopted the motto of Claremont School of Theology ("an ecumenical and inter-religious institution") due to the no-longer-exclusively-Christian faith of students entering Erskine. Rev. Wilson asks:
Is ETS now an amazing, technicolor, stereophonic, and multifaith theological experience on the wide-screen of theological education?...It is no secret that ETS has been and is matriculating Jewish, Mormon, and Muslim clerics in the DMin program. Why is this being done?
Why, in deed? The an$wer to thi$ que$tion can be found at ARPTalk.

In the second article, Rev. Wilson asks, what does Calvin have to say about 1 Corinthians 6? Rev. Wilson examines Calvin's comments on the passage, looking for some sort of justification for those who are in the ARP and who have sued the ARP to get their way with Erskine. The great theologian of Geneva gives no comfort to these usurpers, as the article points out.

Head on over to ARPTalk to read these two articles.

1 comment:

  1. One thing that The North American Reformed Seminary (http://www.tnars.net) will never be driven by is $$. That's why we are completely free and don't accept any financial support in any way!
